Physiotherapy Ultrasound For My Glut Muscle
[ Monday October 3rd 2022 at 2:11 pm ]
I own a physiotherapy ultrasound unit. This has been really helpful in managing severe pain during the evenings and middle of the night. As a strategy this has been very effective for what is wrong with my body. I've been able to have access to this treatment when needed. This makes it available to me without requiring a trip to a physiotherapy clinic. This isn't to mention how the Government of Ontario radically reduced the availability of physiotherapy coverage for those receiving disability support from the Province of Ontario. To date this piece of equipment has saved me about $3,000 worth of services at a physiotherapy clinic.
During the past few weeks I've been struggling with pain around my artificial left hip joint. I've been feeling my glut muscle contract. It is exceptionally painful and debilitating. This isn't to mention the practical implications of not allowing me to follow through with my planned activities in my day to day life. It was possible that the use of physiotherapy ultrasound would be helpful to treat this muscle pain.
The challenge of this is that the glut muscle is located on the underside of my hip. To administer physiotherapy ultrasound the head of the ultrasound needed to be touching the skin of my bum. There are a group of friends I have known for 10+ years in the city where I live and a nearby village. I asked one of male friends if he'd come to my home to do this for me. I knew he'd be able to handle this in a mature and responsible way. He did this for me. In fact we had a lovely visit. With my right knee joint buckling for a second time on Friday evening it was very helpful to have someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of. I am really glad he came to help me.
Presently the glut muscle feels looser. I now need to take a wait and see approach. I need to see how the muscle is doing tomorrow to properly evaluate the effectiveness this has been. I am tentatively hopeful. If this just wasn't going to work at all the muscle would not have responded so positively in the short term.