Intake Appointment With Social Worker
[ Monday September 26th 2022 at 1:29 pm ]
As we passed the one year anniversary of my aunt dying I've been thinking about her. I miss talking to her. I enjoyed her company. I really enjoyed supporting her as she was dying from cancer. I've asked if the social worker at my family doctor office would have a few appointments with me to help me through this. On account of living with chronic pain I typically put off emotional and financial matters until I am rested and not having a bad pain day. Otherwise it doesn't end well for me.
I've just had my intake appointment with the social worker. It was by phone. Her questions and what we talked about were a broad overview of my life. She was doing a similar assessment as the various other times a social worker was brought into my medical care. For example every time I've undergone surgery a social worker met with me to discuss after care, social engagement and to ensure the basic needs of my life would be taken care of during the recovery.
We are expecting to have our first appointment in 6 weeks from now. There is a small backlog of 5 other patients before me. My appointments will be in person while wearing a mask. My home is 2 blocks from the doctor office. In the event I don't feel I am able to safely drive to the doctor office using my power wheelchair we will use video for that specific appointments.