The Second And Third Exhaust Ventilation Fans Are Changed
[ Sunday September 11th 2022 at 3:54 pm ]
Today I've been able to change the second and third exhaust fans in my home. I am please and relieved this is done. Almost any home owner should be able to do this task. It involves:
- Remove the plastic cover
- Unplugging the existing bathroom exhaust fan
- Remove the single screw that secured the fan to the housing
- Physically remove the fan from it's housing
- Install the replacement fan into the housing previously used
- Reinstall the screw that secures it in position
- Plug it in
- Install the plastic cover
This is a 10 minute task. It was easy to complete.
I do have one problem that remains from this. The packaging of the first fan I changed had been re-taped closed by a store associate. It was missing the plastic cover. It appears to me that shop lifting may have occurred. When I am up to Home Depot next I will need to ask their customer service desk to provide me with the missing cover. Mine have yellowed due to the effects of the sun. I am hoping this will be easy to resolve with in store staff.