Roofing Contractor Coming Tomorrow For The Shed
[ Thursday September 1st 2022 at 3:59 pm ]
I just spoke to a roofing contractor. After around 5 minutes of dialogue he really warmed up to me. He wanted to know in reasonable detail the style of the roof. The reasoning is because metal roofs require significant effort to install when a roof contains many peaks and valleys. I explained this is a shed roof and is as basic as possible. The only extra is upgraded ventilation at the peak so I may use the space year round without ice forming in the attic due to winter heating. When I explained I am hoping to earn some money with woodworking to help me due to my physical disability benefits not having a cost of living increase since 2018 it made an impact. I wasn't saying this for this reason. But he did understand what is going on. The roofer is hoping to come measure and give me a quote tomorrow. This is very promising. Where I live had experienced 3 serious storms this summer. Several buildings had their roofs destroyed during the storms. Many others have required patches. I've discovered just have over stretched roofers are in trying to patch and repair what has already been installed. This is very promising.