Started The 5 Inch Screws Into The Next Group Of 2x3 Strapping
[ Monday August 29th 2022 at 3:19 pm ]
I just did some more work in the shed. I am genuinely pleased. I have been able to accomplish what I setup to do today.
I've discovered if I treat the shed to workshop renovation as an assembly line it works out best for me. Logistically speaking I am not having to reach and bend in ways that are painful or troublesome to my physical disability. I have been thinking about each step and how to accommodate it to the special needs of my body. I find such a sense of satisfaction working on this. I have friends readily available to help where the issues in my legs prevent me from completing a given step.
Today's step was starting the 5 inch screws into the 2" x 3" pieces that will be strapped onto the 2" x 4" framing of the shed. Besides the practical aspect of preparing these for installation I am also able to make an assessment of what supplies I will require to complete this project and the budget to make this happen.
The reason for strapping 2" x 3" pieces onto the 2" x 4" framing of the shed is so I have the option to use 2" x 6" insulation bats. With the shed being 4 outside walls this will significantly help reduce the cost of heating and cooling. I am pleased with progress. Once this space is available as a workshop it should make a difference in my life, goals and financial means.