City Came For The Water Cooler
[ Friday August 26th 2022 at 10:24 am ]
The next furniture type item in my shed I have to dispose of is a water cooler. I was hoping to sell it. When I tested it yesterday I promptly made a disappointing discovery.
The water wasn't fully drained from it when a friend put it out there in 2009. At the time I had undergo a surgery on both of my hip joints. It didn't bring the expected recovery. My home needed preparation for me to return living in it. The water cooler wasn't a required item. It could be put in the shed into storage.
During the winter months the frozen water burst the pipe lines. A side effect of this caused the circuitry that controls the heating and cooling of water about to be dispensed was damaged. The power arced from the circuitry. However the GFI plug triggered so no damage or injury resulted.
The upshot is that the water cooler needs to be disposed. It is beyond being repaired or refurbished. The power arc is a death sentence. The water cooler served me well. It has now been picked up and is off for safe disposal.