E-Mailed A Specialist Doctor Again Specific To The Partial Knee Cap Dislocation Yesterday
[ Sunday July 10th 2022 at 9:35 pm ]
Three hours after I sent the e-mail yesterday my right knee cap partially dislocated. The combined effects of the right knee event from a few days ago where the meniscus tear pinched and didn't let go for approximately 36 hours with yesterday's partial knee dislocation is crippling me. I am back to where I can barely do what is essential to keep myself alive. This isn't from the lack of trying. The physical limits have come too significant.
What I am now asking is if the referral this doctor prepared for my knee surgery assessment following my May 5th appointment will correspond with the rapid deterioration I've experienced. Unfortunately I experienced the raw side of Ontario Canada's health care while dealing with my hips. You absolutely need to be consistent. The orthopedic surgeons zone in on any inconsistency. It took several years and 5 orthopedic surgeons to get to someone who would replace my hips. I can't have this happen to my knees. I am trying to be pro active.