Pinched Meniscus Tear In My Right Knee Joint
[ Tuesday July 5th 2022 at 8:05 pm ]
I've experienced a really serious set back with my right knee joint. I have a meniscus tear in my right knee joint. When I went to get into the tub just now the tear felt like it did the splits and got stuck in a stressed position. I don't know how I did this. I've been using the tub for pain control. I don't know that I got into the tub any different than the last 10 times. It just happened. It is unbelievably painful. I have an over the counter local freezing gel named to help dull this pain. I've never had this happen before. Most concerning I don't know how to get the tear to return to it's original position. I am hoping the gentle use and movement of my right knee will allow this to let go and end this set back. This is as bad as what I endured with my hip joints before they were replaced.