Listing My Cement Mixer And Scrap Wire As The Next Steps In Cleaning The Shed
[ Friday June 24th 2022 at 11:14 am ]
I am making progress with cleaning and organizing my shed. I'm enjoying this. This process is to finish off the break and enter I experienced in spring 2021. The intruder tipped over the shelves with my tools on them. Then he began tossing them around like you toss a salad. It was a huge mess. A friend helped me to address the immediate need this created. I needed help from a friend because of my physical disability.
What I am now focused on is getting rid of what I no longer am using by making donations and selling some items. Most of my tools are presently in boxes. These need unpacking and organizing my tools on shelves again. I am especially focused on getting rid of big items I no longer require. To this end I have listed my cement mixer for sale and also contacted someone who earns money with metal recycling for scrap copper wiring I no longer need.
I had purchased the cement mixer because I have several projects I'd like to complete. However with the way my right knee joint has deteriorated so quickly it isn't reasonable to expect I can be engaged in completing this. Instead I've changed my order of priorities.
What makes the most sense now is getting my laser engraver up and running. I could genuinely use the money it will generate. This will involve using my hands in the creative process of woodworking (such as making picture frames). Using my hands helps me co-exist with my physical disability and chronic pain. The laser engraver represents the best prospects for my life overall.
My disability pension is several thousand dollars below the poverty line of a single adult. Supplemental income directly results in an improved quality of life. I used inheritance money as seed money to get started. I am hoping this will be successful. If I simply spent the money hiring a house cleaner I'd burn through the money it cost to get started within a few years and then be stuck. I am trying to avoid this from happening to me.
I am setting up the laser engraver and woodworking equipment in ways that are compatible with my physical disability and shouldn't over stress my hips and knees. I am trying my best. I will tweak my plans as I go through this process of getting started and learning. Although I am still contending with my physical disability and chronic pain this really is an exciting time in my life.