Arrival Of The Pest Control Service
[ Tuesday June 21st 2022 at 11:57 am ]
I have some positive news. The man from the pest control service is here. He is gentle and a good listening. He is presently installing a one way door so the squirrel will move out of my kitchen attic and not return. Then he will return in a few weeks to do a permanent repair in sealing up my home. Then I asked him if he'd give me 2 minutes of his time for advice. He was happy to do this: I found where a mouse could be getting into the shed. I want to be using that for the woodworking involved in my laser engraver. I am going to be putting money into insulating and drywall. I'd like to protect the building. I just don't know what the right method to prevent mouse activity is. He offered to stick some copper mesh in the small gap created when the building was assembled. I am pleased.