My Right Knee Cap Dislocated Again
[ Saturday June 18th 2022 at 10:50 am ]
I think one of my worse case scenarios for my physical disability has just unfolded: My right knee cap just located for a 7th time. I am not physically recovered from the instance on June 15th. I am quite concerned about the cumulative effect this will create. The pain is absolutely horrible. I had applied get based local freezing to my right knee joint before laying down. If I hadn't used the gel I can't imagine just how bad it would be. Once again repositioning my right leg while in bed has caused the knee cap to dislocate.
I am quite concerned about what this is going to mean for the next few days. I am going to send a letter to the surgeon I am waiting to see and present a case that my consultation be sped up. My knee isn't improving. It is time to face reality head on and see what can be done to help me medically and with my life. During the past few weeks I've been putting my efforts into getting my laser engraver up and running. I've divided the setup into 3 sub-projects. I can see that I am going to require practical help to finish this off. I obviously now need to adapt and figure out a way of getting this finished this off.