An Offer For How To Promote My Laser Engraver Products!
[ Tuesday June 14th 2022 at 11:33 pm ]
This evening I've received a practical offer that is one of the things I needed to happen. I spent this evening playing a racing car game (Wreckfest). I spent the time talking to someone I know on his Discord. He has offered me to promote what I create with the laser engraver on there to see if it will lead to some sales. This should help raise awareness. I just have so much counting on the laser engraver. This is a huge relief. I am so grateful. I am hoping enough of the right things will happen to make this pan out for me. The increased cash flow would make a big difference for my life. My disability benefits haven't increased in almost 4 years because the Government of Ontario didn't authorize this in their annual budget. I am really hoping this plan B works out.