Knee Fitting Brace Appointment
[ Monday April 4th 2022 at 10:00 am ]
This morning I had the appointment to get my knee unloader brace. This is the first medical appointment in some time to go well. I actually enjoyed this appointment. I honestly can't remember the last time I was able to say this about an appointment.
I arrived to my appointment early. As I was the first appointment with my specialist I waited in the foyer. The first patient with a different specialist arrived around the same time. I took the opportunity to ask him about what it is like to live with a prosthetic lower leg and foot. It was a helpful discussion for me. One of the risks of knee replacement surgery is that the lower limb would end up being amputated on account of complications. I have peace of mind about this risk now.
When I entered the facility I noticed both the receptionist and orthotist have really warmed up to me. I sent an e-mail to them in mid March when my right knee cap dislocated. It is obvious they appreciated this. I had said if it meant doing more measuring I would rather do this once well than having to re-do it. By body language and communication they obviously appreciated this and letting them know how this has evolved. I wish my right knee joint was stable. This isn't the case.
I was fit for my knee unloader brace. The orthotist put the brace on me, made some adjustments and then showed me how to put it on. After this I asked if he would watch me so I'd be able to do this when I got home. I used my tablet to take a photo so if I was struggling the picture would remember for me.
I was a bit surprised when I was given a compression stocking to put on. I am to wear this under the brace. It makes sense to me. I just wasn't expecting this. I have a feeling this will help keep the swelling my knee joint makes under control.
I asked the orthotist to help me practice walking. They have a room setup for this purpose. I was coached as well as being able to see myself in a full size mirror. The purpose was to give me a sense of using the brace with the correct mechanics of walking. I have a long way to go. Additionally the orthotist is concerned about my collapsed arches. This is a common side effect of the hip bone disease I had and the general effect on the skeletal system. My arch supports are 3D printed and I should be acquiring a new set.
The orthotist has a very impressive resume. Without exaggeration he has extensive experience around the world and understands the dynamics of health care treatment. Many countries have setup travelling joint replacement surgery as part of their economy. With two tier health care treatment (privatized and socialized) available pursuing out of country knee replacement surgery is a viable option. It is conceivable for me to pursue having my right knee joint replaced in India. This wasn't an unreasonable consideration as I talked this over with the orthotist. Certainly with the backlog of surgeries covid has created here in Canada this is an appealing option. I need to consider this further. I want to help myself. If this is what I need to do I am willing.