Requesting Platelet-Rich Plasma Follow Up Appointment In Person
[ Sunday January 30th 2022 at 12:09 pm ]
The past few weeks have been very difficult. My right knee joint gave out a week before Christmas while I was walking just enough steps to turn off my digital camera after downloading photos to my computer. The only reason I didn't fall was because I instinctively contracted my calf and quad muscles. It feels like some of the meniscus inside my right knee has come loose. Kind of like there is a worm in my right knee.
I am scheduled for a follow up appointment on February 17th. This appointment was setup on the day of my platelet rich plasma treatment of my right knee and also my right ankle. It was setup as a phone appointment with the idea I'd contact the regenerative medicine program manager if I needed this to be in person. I now feel an in person follow up appointment is necessary. I've contacted to request the appointment be changed to in person.
While the doctor was using the ultrasound machine for my right ankle PRP he specifically stated he was skilled at detecting injures that were being missed by those responsible for reading and reporting on these images. This was followed by the doctor stating he found pooling blood within my right ankle after determining the structures were intact. I am wondering if he would identify a new injury within my right knee joint using ultrasound.
I had noticed an improved in my right ankle before my right knee gave out. I think it had started working in my knee in the context that pain control had become easier. I have lost these gains. My gait becoming increasingly awkward was the catalyst. Now I am not able to really use my right knee as a hinge joint (beyond a few modest few steps). This is wrecking havoc on both my hips and all 3 joints in my left leg.
Additionally on the days when I've been weak from pain I am again unable to carry on a phone call from the focus required. I can't confidently tell I will be doing okay for talking to the doctor on the phone. This isn't as straight forward as taking it easy the day before.
There are good days and bad days. I am back to figuring out my activities of daily living to accommodate the very limited use of my right knee joint in the hopes of improving my quality of life on my bad days.