Setup The Technical Ability To Record Rocky The Hamster Cam Using Linux
[ Tuesday January 25th 2022 at 2:45 pm ]
Someone I know just spent time helping me. We've worked through the setup needed to record Rocky The Hamster Cam on a RockPro64. This is the next natural step in streaming Rocky. What I am aiming for is a large hamster cage with 4 or 5 cameras and giving the paid subscribers on my Twitch account the ability to switch between the camera angle they want to watch. This is going to entail recording multiple cameras and some scripting that will switch between scenes in Open Broadcaster Software. There is still more setup to do. With hamsters being nocturnal today's progress represents is the technical ability to record the footage during Rocky's waking hours. It proves the RockPro64 has the processing power to record multiple cameras at once. This is key to my plans.