Ordered A Metronome
[ Friday January 21st 2022 at 1:12 am ]
I am already starting to think about the Christmas Lights video for 2022. I spent a lot of time and energy contacting the area nursing homes to invite them to use the 2021 video with their patients. This was because of covid and the restriction on outside groups accessing the facilities for fear of mass infections. This was well received. I think it would be beneficial for the people who watch my video in 2022 to have the option to sing along. I am going to use the bottom of the screen to display the Christmas carol words. I have ordered a metronome to use as I record myself playing the Christmas carols on the piano. I know I am going to need it to keep time so I am playing the piano at a sing-able speed. My plan is to record the music by spring 2022. Then spend summer and autumn typing the Christmas carol words into the video editing program. Then what remains will just be adding photos onto the screen in late November and early December 2022. This seems like a viable plan. It won't overwhelm my hips.