Ordered More Food For Rocky The Hamster
[ Saturday January 15th 2022 at 1:21 pm ]
We are having a winter storm. The cold front has moved in. Shortly approximately 16 inches of snow is forecast. Between the wind chill, feeling tired and the challenges I've had with pain during the past week I've decided to order more hamster food through Amazon Canada. I have ordered enough hamster food to get me through until spring. Then I will resume buying it locally. Amazon is forecasting delivery in 6 days. I have enough food for Rocky to get me through until the end of this week.
What has amazed me is that Rocky has become the star of my Twitch streams. It is truly wonderful sharing him with others. He is such a big part of my life. I enjoy taking care of him and figuring out what he needs. It is wonderful holding Rocky as he explores. I enjoy providing for him. Equally I find it fascinating seeing the footage from the Rocky The Hamster Cam as he goes about his hamster life. I am so glad he is here with me. I love my little buddy.