Ordered Chondroitin Sulfate To Hopefully Help Ease My Arthritis Knee Pain
[ Thursday January 13th 2022 at 3:28 pm ]
A specialist has asked me to try the use of chondroitin sulfate for my arthritis. The local pharmacy only had glucosamine chondroitin in stock. I purchased this to get started. Certainly any form of chondroitin is better than not using it. Since I don't have diabetes this form wouldn't harm me. I have now ordered the exact version of chondroitin recommended for me. It will arrive next week. This will give me 5 weeks before I return to the specialist who recommended this to talk about this attempt at treatment. I am trying my best to help myself. Typically this very much motivates health care professionals to get creative in helping me have the best quality of life possible.