I Have The Followers For Affiliate Status On Twitch
[ Wednesday December 29th 2021 at 1:22 am ]
I have reached the follower metric needed to become a Twitch affiliate. In fact I've passed it with 54 people now following me. Mostly what I am initially streaming is playing Wreckfest before I go to bed. This game helps me unwind before I sleep at night. I will branch out over time.
What remains is the required minimum average of 3 viewers each time I am streaming. I sacrificed this for the Christmas day live stream I ran. I am perfectly content to have done so. I am not doing this in the pursuit of money. Impacting people matters far more to me than the potential income. It looks like I'll need to stream another 3 - 4 more days in order to hit this metric and receive affiliate status on Twitch.