Ordered The Drives For Server #4
[ Friday November 26th 2021 at 12:51 pm ]
I have ordered the pair of drives needed for server #4. This will be my programming server. It will give me a chance to test my code before it migrates live onto the production server. This sets me up for a having a sandbox to test and grow the web site and provide smooth maintenance to the people who use the content I prepare. I am glad to see the hardware coming together. I still have more programming to do. I am going to have to temporarily drop this until the new year. My annual Christmas Lights video production is next. This requires my efforts for about two weeks each year. This still lets me do what I need to take care of my legs and co-exist with my chronic pain. I can see my plans are coming together. This is comforting and it gives me hope 2022 will be a good year.