Asking For Additional Employment Start Up Benefit Funding
[ Tuesday April 4th 2017 at 10:14 pm ]
In mid March I purchased a digital videao camera and supporting hardware for making my videos. The webcam I've been using has been going fuzzy after 3 - 4 minutes of filming after switching to a different laptop computer in mid February. After trouble shooting I've determined the probable cause to be a compatibility error with the different chip set of the laptop computer I am now using.
I've just finished putting together a letter and the various receipts for my disability case worker to determine if these purchases are eligible for the Employment Start Up Benefit offered through the Ontario Disability Support Program.
In any case I know this equipment is necessary to increase the quality of the videos I make and the continued growth of my youTube channel. I am excited for this opportunity. I am needing the income this will provide to be able to hire help for my activities of daily living. With my physical disability worsening this is now the best path I can see for myself in the coming future.