Weather Station Air Dehydration Setup
[ Friday September 10th 2021 at 10:58 pm ]
I have completed the next step with my weather station setup. I completed the air hydration. I setup this up using a pair of 12 volt desktop computer fans, some PVC conduit, end caps with very thin holes and water absorbing beads. Air passes through the beads dehydrating them.
The other way of dehydrating air in an outdoor setup involves expensive equipment. It just isn't warranted in my weather station setup. The setup is substantial enough to warrant this.
The idea is to prevent condensation forming during the winter months from the cool Canadian winter temperature and heat. What I'm trying to stop occurring is the same thing that happens when you take a cool drink outside on a warm summer day. The reason I am having to do this is to prevent the power from arcing. Water and electricity don't mix.
It is really wonderful to see another step of my weather station completed.