Responding To My Question To The Medical Clinic About My Right Hip Not Being Okay
[ Friday July 9th 2021 at 2:52 pm ]
The prolotherapy injection into my right thigh wore off. I experienced two really good quality days. This was followed by my pain being out of control for the following three days and another five days physically recovering from my pain being out of control. In one sentence this has been properly horrible. It has robbed time away from what I'd normally be doing: Working on one of my projects or my effort to pursue self employment. It is clear now that the prolotherapy injection has caused more harm than good.
On top of this my right knee is in free-fall. It started deteriorating and it just isn't making a recovery. I am not really surprised. I've been having ongoing issues with my right knee joint since I was 14 years old. Following my hip replacement surgery in 2015 I've experienced one step forward, one step back. I've not made lasting gains.
After much thought I decided to reach out to the medical clinic asking about accelerating my regenerative medicine treatment of my right knee as the means of stabilizing my hip joints. I am also concerned with why my right hip joint being swollen. It has been two inches wider than my left hip since the injection. Perhaps this is bringing healing. I did have excessive swelling following my hip replacement surgery. At the same time it isn't normal. I am not sure what is going on with my hip. The medical clinic staff that performed the prolotherapy are away. If I feel I am needing immediate medical attention they have encouraged me to attend the local hospital emergency department in my community.
Finally I feel the prolotherapy injection for my hip bursitis has been a mistake for a simple reason: This has been a recurring issue. I own a physiotherapy clinic caliper ultrasound machine. I've been using this to effectively treat it every six months. Maybe there was some merit in trying a different treatment model. But it certainly is not worth repeating. I will continue using what is known to work. Honestly why change a working system when my knee joint is the reason this is a recurring issue. I want the medical clinic focusing on the real issue. They have a regenerative medicine department. This is the next natural step for my knee joint treatment. This is what I will talk with them about during my medical appointment on Monday.