Replacement Window Ordered
[ Tuesday April 20th 2021 at 1:53 pm ]
The local Home Depot Canada has really come through for me this morning. Right now the store is closed to in person shopping due to a covid19 related Government of Ontario Canada order. Purchases must be placed through their web site for curb side pick up. With the intruder last week I needed to order a replacement window. It is a custom size. You can't do this on their web site. They have very graciously helped me place the order for a new window over the phone and e-mailed me the documents for use in the criminal case with the local police force. I really needed this to happen. I couldn't be more grateful.
My new window is expected to complete the manufacturing process on May 10th 2021 and arrive about 2 weeks later. However this isn't important to me. Covid19 has created a very fluid situation. Nothing is really set in stone right now. I don't think you can take forecasted dates that far in advance and count on them. Instead it is peace of mind that my order is in progress and will arrive here in due course. Considering the effect covid19 is having this is really wonderful.