Transplanted My Banana Plant
[ Thursday December 10th 2020 at 6:31 pm ]
For fun I purchased a dwarf banana plant about 2 months ago. I read a really inspiring news article where a family doctor gave one of their patients the plant in the hopes of helping him start living life again following a very debilitating automobile accident. It went so well the person grew this into his career and now has a banana farm outside London Ontario Canada. I thought it might be good for me to have a banana plant here and just see how it goes for me. I am trying to do what I have control over to help myself.
Since I purchased the dwarf banana plant it has grown 4 inches. The roots are coming out of the container. It needed to be transplanted. I have just finished doing this. I purchased a 5 gallon food grade bucket from my local Home Depot and a bag of potting soil. It used the entire bag.
The plan is for the plant to spend the winter inside my home and summer months outside. It should be easy to move using the bucket. It is expected to grow between 6 and 8 feet tall. It should nicely fit into my kitchen during the winter months.