Roof Underlay For The East Side Is On
[ Saturday October 24th 2020 at 4:49 pm ]
It has been a productive afternoon. The shingles are removed from the other side of the roof. Now the underlay is on. I selected a professional grade underlay. It is the same idea as an address label. This underlay product has plastic to remove on the back of it and it peels and sticks onto the roof deck. It is rubberized. It has a lifetime warranty. If the roof ever does have a leak it will pay for itself. It doesn't take long to have an expensive bill caused by water damage or damaged electronics. This isn't to mention mold created by a dark moist environment.
The next step is to put the wood strips on the metal roof will be installed into. There is rain in the forecast for this evening. It is already overcast. I've had the worker tarp the roof and the work will continue after the next few days of rain. It really is nice seeing progress on this job. I honestly believe the hard work is done. It is fairly easy screwing in the strips of wood. It is equally easy screwing in the metal roof. I am anticipating the replacement metal roof being installed without any hick-ups.