Delivery Of Shower Curtain For Laser Engraver Vent Hood Cover
[ Saturday October 10th 2020 at 11:23 am ]
The 72" x 72" shower curtain I purchased has arrived. I will be used this as the cover for my laser engraver vent hood. I am going to give this a wash and hang it out on my clothes line. It is off gassing. I am finding it over powerful. I need to complete the off gassing process.
To assemble the laser engraver vent hood I am needing the grommets I have ordered to arrive. I am using furniture insert nuts to secure the vent hood to the frame of the laser engraver. The grommets will protect the shower curtain and provide a path for bolts to screw into their matching furniture insert nuts.
I have a plan. I wish the laser engraver was already up and running. I am looking forward to finishing this off. I need a block of time where this has my undivided attention in order to complete. I am sure early November 2020 will provide this.