Annual UV Clear Coat For My Outdoor Storage Bin
[ Monday September 21st 2020 at 9:12 pm ]
I have an outdoor storage bin. This is where my online purchases are delivered to. This provides protection from the weather. The specific model I purchased doubles as a bench. It has metal tubing to reinforce it. The down side is the plastic housing for the outdoor storage bin doesn't contain UV inhibitors. The sun will cause the plastic to become brittle this without protection. I've just given it the annual UV clear coat. It is exceptionally difficult to paint plastic. The UV clear coat will take 5 days to cure. Then it will be good for another year. I have my computer calendar setup with an annual reminder on September 1st. I'm glad this task is done. You can tell by the date of this blog entry that I've struggled with my physical disability. I just haven't been able to get this done before now.