I Purchased A Banana Plant
[ Wednesday September 9th 2020 at 9:29 am ]
As a child I remember being in Zeller's and wanting my mom to buy me a dwarf banana plant. She wouldn't. Earlier this week I saw dwarf banana plants for sale at my local Home Depot. I've thought about it, read up about their care and have decided to buy one. I have just done this. It should be a bit of an adventure. I enjoy taking care of plants. I am considering setting up a wall garden. This dwarf banana plant will act as a test subject to see if I am able to take care of a plant or if my physical challenges make this insurmountable. I am going to end up planting this into a food grade 5 gallon bucket of potting soil. It will require a grow light so the leaves will be healthy. It should be a fun thing to do. In fact I am thinking this could be setup so I am able to see the dwarf banana plant while having a very hot soak in the tub for my hips.