Donated 3 Tools To The Local Thrift Store
[ Wednesday March 11th 2020 at 10:30 pm ]
I started the deep clean of my kitchen. I've come across a few appliances that I haven't used for several years. I just dropped them off in the after hours donations bin of the thrift store near my home. I'm both purging the old and what is no longer a part of my life and also for the 2 new appliances I've purchased.
- I purchased a food processor because cutting is one of the bottle necks in my meal preparation that exhausts me due to pain. An unintentional consequence of cutting up vegetables in meal preparation puts stress on my hips and knees. This causes pain. I end up in bed absolutely exhausted.
- The second appliance I'm purchasing is a stand mixer. It is for the same reason. The effort involved in stirring food strains my hips. Then I get into all kinds of pain. I find myself in bed for the following 2 days. I just can't let this happen.
I'm systematically and ruthlessly going through my kitchen to weed out what isn't part of my life in the here and now. This makes room for what I now need. It is truly wonderful finding a solution that works with how many things I've tried that just haven't worked.