Purchased A Cement Mixer
[ Sunday November 10th 2019 at 4:02 pm ]
The yard drainage digging is going well albeit slow. We have found all kinds of rocks buried from when my home was originally built in 1890. These rocks were never meant to see the light of day again. They are at the fence line. They all need to be extracted and ¾" yard drainage gravel needs to be used to fill the void. The frost line where I live is 4 feet below ground most winters. During an intense winter this lowers to 5 feet. The reason this changes is when there is below freezing temperatures when winter first begins but no snow to insulate the ground. Within snow there are pockets of air. This works the same as insulation for a home.
I looked at several models of yard drains. None of them are durable. The available yard drains at "big box stores" are made out of plastic and will need replacing either due to damage from the sun or because of damage from a lawn mower and grass trimmer. I want to address this once and then be able to switch my focus. I've designed a yard drain using plywood, rebar, mesh and ½" PVC conduit cut to 6 inch or 15 cm lengths.
There are about 8 other projects I have in mind for the cement mixer. It makes more sense to purchase a cement mixer and save money instead of renting a cement mixer each time I am working on my projects. A nice part of owning this is that it also gives me the option to cast and sell decorative yard stones. It might be possible to earn some pocket money while doing this with one of the young adults from the community. So I've moved forward with buying a cement mixer and will re-assess my need for this after my initial yard projects are completed.