Beginning To Install New Bathroom Wheelchair Friendly Faucet
[ Sunday October 6th 2019 at 10:47 pm ]
This evening I've begun the installation for my new bathroom faucet. It is wheelchair friendly. I've used my youTube channel Patreon sponsor income to pay for this. I am really pleased. This will definitely make my life easier.
A wheelchair friendly faucet is tall so a person using a wheelchair is able to go straight into the sink. This is opposed to a person standing while washing their hands. Someone who stands to wash their hands tends to put their hands into the sink itself while washing them. A tall faucet isn't required.
I am presently auditing my home. I am thinking through what changes I am able to make that will result in making my life easier. I am systematically making more changes. If I don't do this I am going to require 24 hour care. I am hoping I am able to make enough small changes so the bigger picture in life becomes easier for me.