An Accolade About My Videos
[ Monday January 30th 2017 at 3:44 pm ]
When I woke up this morning I found an amazing and encouraging comment posted about me in a group for young adults who have hip issues:
Can I just do a shout out for Ron Piggott? He's one of out longstanding members with an especially challenging level of hip problems. Nevertheless, he makes and shares video after video of well presented, helpful stuff regarding living with a high level of disability. I will confess, I do not watch every single one of them - but I want to give a shout out to Ron, and hope I am not the only one who says "Thanks!" and offers support to all out hip brothers and sisters, as I now this is such a nice, supportive group. Thanks, Ron!
Before I went to bed last night I had prayed for God to do something that would allow my videos to grow. It is obvious: Word of mouth is going to lead to growth. I am really enjoying making the videos and supporting people who need it.