Inquiring Updates To The Ontario Disability Support Program
[ Wednesday May 1st 2019 at 9:24 am ]
I am trying to sort out how to live my life. I am trying to make the best set of decisions possible for myself. Often when I am not sure I start asking questions for people who are likely to provide helpful details to me.
I have some questions about the future of the Ontario Disability Support Program. Between mid 2016 and the start of 2018 the former Ontario Liberal Government engaged in consultations in how to revamp and overhaul the Ontario Disability Support Program. After the Provincial election parts of the announced changes were immediately rescinded. My inquiry is to find out what is in the pipeline during the coming few years.
Unfortunately some of the decisions being made by the Ontario Government are damaging to the needs of at risk individuals in the Province of Ontario. I understand cut backs need to happen. The budget and debt for the Province of Ontario must get under control. At the same breath it seems to me at risk individuals are becoming second class citizens. It seems the policy of the Province is trending against those who don't have pay tax. It is disappointing.
Instead of repeated cutbacks and budget cuts I think there is a much better approach. If I had the ability to make changes I would focus on:
Sufficient Money Be Given For Healthy Nutrition
I would hire a nutritionist to prepare a recipe to be included with each monthly benefit statement. I am not talking about caviar and escargot. What I am referring to is a well balanced diet that will minimize the risk of diet induced illnesses.
Sufficient Money For Housing
I would change the housing allowance to match what the politicians receive for their housing allowance. Ultimately owning a modest home is less expensive than renting. There is a whole "Tiny Homes" movement that would allow individuals to have a place of their own.
Sufficient Money For Clothing
Again I am not talking about "over the top" brand name clothing. What I am referring to is a practical set of clothes to wear and function in the desired activities being engaged in life.
Instruction On Money Saving Techniques
In addition to including a recipe with each statement I would also include tips on saving money. This way you are equipping.
I think these changes open up opportunities for at risk individuals to maximize their quality of life. I think opportunities could be presented for volunteering. For example:
Where the Province has limited funds for health care some of the individuals receiving disability assistance would be able to volunteer for a shift at the local hospital if their life wasn't focused on just surviving.
I see an opportunity for education and life skills equipping classes. What I'd hope to come out of this is the ability to start home businesses.
Ultimately I understand there are people who aren't able to be in the work force to due their health or circumstances beyond their control. Focusing on dignity and respect would go along way for a person to have the motivation to still do something with their life. Challenging times calls for creative solutions.