The Hard Drive In My Computer Needs Replacing
[ Sunday December 25th 2016 at 10:10 pm ]
My computer has been freezing and acting sluggish during the past few weeks. I've just finished running a diagnosis. The hard drive isn't going to last much longer.
I've spent the past 4 hours researching and then purchasing a replacement hard drive system. Recording videos uses a lot of hard drive space. I've purchased a 1,000 gig (1 tb) hard drive for my data.
I use "Linux" as my operating system. For this and the programs I use each day I've decided to purchase a solid state drive. This should help increase the speed of the computer (instead of investing in a new laptop computer) and give me the space I need for continuing to build my youTube channel. My laptop computer was made in 2009. I've kept up with it's maintenance. At present it is in good working order. When the time comes that I do need to replace it I'll be able to just move the data hard drive to a new computer and continue on seamlessly.
The portion of the disability pension I receive from the Ontario Government has an "Employment Start-Up Benefit". As this in the holidays and the replacement hard drive is urgent I technically should have spoke to my disability case worker before making the purchase to see if I am eligible for reimbursement. My youTube videos are going to begin generating me a nominal income in 2017. I've decided I am still going to submit this and ask. The other part of this is income earned must be reported to my case worker. 'Google' doesn't pay out until at least $100 in advertiving revenue is earned. I was going to have this conversation in the spring when I received my first payment. We'll see how it goes.
I would far rather be working than receiving a disability pension. However the challenges I experience with debilitating pain and broken sleep make employment in the traditional work force not practical. It is my hope and prayer that in time my youTube channel will grow and allow me to discharge myself from the disability penions I receive.