Adjusted Hot Water Heater Thermostats
[ Tuesday March 26th 2019 at 3:31 pm ]
I've adjusted both thermostats on my electric water heater. I've only been able to use about 1/3 of the hot water tanks capacity. The incoming cold water (requiring heating) is cooling down the water I need for showering.
Adjusting the thermostat is a way of increasing this. I have an anti scalding valve installed. This will use approximately 3 parts warm water with 1 part cold water. Overall the volume of water will increase by about 25%. The anti scalding valve keeps the water entering the hot water pipes at a maximum temperature of 120F. I re-certified the anti scalding valve approximately 10 weeks ago. I know this procedure is safe.
If this effort isn't sufficient then the next option is adding a booster. A booster tops up the temperature of the warm water leaving the hot water tank has it passes through the booster. For a modest home this is a good option.