Pick Up Of The Saw Blades And Woodworking Router - Router Table
[ Tuesday February 5th 2019 at 2:20 pm ]
I went for a drive with my power wheelchair. I just haven't been able to get out much this winter due to the cool weather. A friend saw me. He was heading out to a chore near the hardware store where I purchased the woodworking router - table and saw blades. I purchased these online. These still need picking up.
We went together for his appointment. He walked beside me as I drove my power wheelchair. When finished at his appointment we attended the hardware store to pick up my tools. It was very gracious of him to help me. The box was too bulky to bring home using my power wheelchair. We used the city bus route to bring the tools home. As we live near each other he delivered this to me home. It was so rewarding to have made this pick up with a friend.