Explaining My Circumstancs To A Personal Support Worker
[ Monday February 4th 2019 at 8:20 pm ]
One of the youth's mom is a nurse in the community where I live. Her employment is very hands on. It seems to me some of her work overlaps being a social workers for her clients as she tries to help them with their medical issues. After spending some time with her son she asked me for an update. I explained what I am now facing. I talked about the practical challenges I am dealinlg with in my day to day life. I also articulated the set of goals I am pursuing in my self employment attempt. I also expressed the frustrations I've had in the setbacks I am experiencing. Her assessment of my life is to hire help with cleaning. She thinks if I don't have this responsibility for house cleaning my goals and projects I am working to finish off will be completed much quicker and I'll be on track with what I am pursuing. She thinks my plans for self employment are reasonable and likely to succeed.
A week ago I explained to a friend the vicious cycle I've been caught in. I shared the recommended of this nurse. He recommended a personal support worker. I just spent about 80 minutes bringing her up to date with my medical history, day to day life and the help I actually need. She listened. She was a bit shocked of what has played out. She seems understanding. I am hopeful this will work out. I need to talk to her more about payment. I need to first work out my budget to assess what I can reasonably afford. I am trying to make something out of my life and be reasonable in my assessment of what I can do myself and what I need others to do for me.