SATA Power Cables For My RockPro64’s Have Been Delivered
[ Tuesday January 29th 2019 at 12:51 pm ]
I am setting up a group of single board computers as my servers. They are absolutely amazing. I mean this as a collective statement. The processing power, the small size and the energy efficiency just amazes me. This allows me to have redundancy without experiencing an outrageous electricity bill.
This single board computer model has the option to use onboard power for SATA hard drives. This requires a proprietary cable for powering SATA hard drives. I ordered these at the start of January. They have just been delivered.
I have a few more pieces of hardware in transit. I've ordered a supply of drawer sliders. I also have a supply of T handles ordered to make sliding out a specific single board computer easy. Once these arrive I'll be ready to make the wood case for my servers and setup each single board computer as a server. It really seems 2019 is going to be a good year for me.