Replacement Sewinng Machine Delivered
[ Friday January 11th 2019 at 2:03 pm ]
The second warranty replacement sewing machine has been delivered. I hope this one works as designed. This is really important to me. Creative activities help me co-exist with my chronic pain and physical disability.
There are three projects I am working on requiring the sewing machine:
- I am sewing a set of bibs for a 19 year old young adult in the community where I live. He has looked to me as a role model for about 6 years now. I am supporting him as he starts his family.
- I have purchased the materials to sew black out curtains for myself. This is so I'll go into a deeper sleep. Better sleep is one of the interventions for those who live with chronic pain.
- I also need to sew a water proof cover for my mobility scooter.
I am plugging away at my projects.