Replacement Birth Certificate Inquiry
[ Friday December 2nd 2016 at 1:56 pm ]
Back in October 2016 I completed the paper work for a replacement birth certificate. I need this to re-register for my new health card. Ontario Canada's health care is phasing out the old red and white health cards.
I don't want to become ineligible for health care coverage while waiting for a replacement birth certificate. I had anticipated receiving my replacement birth certificate by now. This morning I e-mailed the office of the local elected member of the Ontario Canada Government. They have found out for me that my replacement birth certificate request has been completed. My replacement birth certificate was mailed to me on November 29th 2016.
Next week I expect to receive the replacement birth certificate. The Constituency Manager I spoke with today wants me to follow up with her either way by the end of next week (even if I do receive it).
I've already completed the form to re-register for my new health card. This should be taken care of and off my priority "to do" within a few weeks.