Purchased A Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
[ Wednesday October 24th 2018 at 3:56 am ]
In August I purchased a quality mobility scooter and mobility scooter trailer. It needs a weather proof cover. I researched and then purchased the appropriate fabric with a PVC coating. It is the same type of fabric that would used for an outdoor awning. The next step was working out how to sew it.
I also researched and then purchased the appropriate cloth to make black out curtains so I may enter a deeper sleep. Better quality sleep reduces the chronic pain I experience and improves my quality of life.
Over the past few weeks I've discovered buying a sewing machine is as complicated as buying a vehicle. I've done a lot of research. To say the least sewing machine run the whole grommet. It is obvious the industry has really focused in on the various groups of end users and the types of projects each people group will sew.
My two immediate projects both require a heavy duty sewing machine. It has become obvious the sewing machine I own isn't a heavy duty machine and isn't suitable for either project. I found a quality heavy duty sewing machine that will tackle both projects and be useful for the rest of my life.
As I was about to purchase the sewing machine directly from the manufacturer on their web site I recalled the customer appreciation 30% off sale. With a little bit of effort I found a vendor of this manufacturers sewing machine brand new selling the sewing machine at the 30% off sale price. I've been able to save some money use it as I finish off the modifications to my mobility scooter and mobility scooter trailer. I am very pleased. Onward and upward in life.