A Very Helpful Financial Planning Meeting
[ Tuesday July 17th 2018 at 1:20 pm ]
Today I took the next step in the financial planning related to the disbursement of my dad's estate and the recent installment I received. I initiated this appointment.
The first thing accomplished was arranging the maximum over payment to my mortgage possible between now and December 2nd 2018. I am really pleased to have done this.
I've also had questions about the special designation disability retirement account I have. I made a $500 contribution to this with funds from my inheritance installment. The federal government of Canada will be matching this. I am happy with the mutual fund this is now invested in.
I've also had some questions about the possibility of a long term investment with the inheritance money I am not needing to use at this time. Effectively this could become a small pension. A specialist financial planner was available and joined in the discussion to explain this option to me. I am not sure what to think right now. I have a lot to read over.
I've come to trust the discussion with the key financial planner I am dealing with. She took time to understand me and appreciates the challenges I am dealing with and my commitment to life. This is important. It has made it easy to trust and be with her when I am weak from pain.