Ordered Cheques
[ Sunday July 15th 2018 at 7:13 pm ]
Over the past week I've been thinking about my life and goals. I've been considering these in the context of a 5 year plan / vision for my life.
One of the items that I obviously need is good tracking of how I use my finances. I've gone through a number of scenarios where I am making payments:
- Doctors notes and the completion of forms
- Medical supplies for managing my physical needs
- Paying for practical help so I am not exceeding my physical limits and experiencing debilitating pain
- As my vision for self employment grows hiring help
I've mail ordered computer printer cheques. This style of cheques create a stub when they are printed for book keeping. I've discovered numerous cheque printing services less expensive than the personal cheques offered by the financial institution I deal with in my day to day banking. I've placed an order for 500. I am very pleased with this decision. I am trying to get the frame work for my life setup so I can be doing more than just existing each day and be making a meaningful impact.