Bone Scan Completed
[ Friday August 4th 2017 at 4:30 pm ]
I've just completed my bone scan. I could see the white circles on the screen during my imaging. This is why the bone scan was triggered.
While I was hooked up to the bone scan machine the radiologist was going over all my previous imaging. I had a bone scan back in January 2007. She also reviewed my previous right knee joint MRI imaging. The technician gave me a lot of confidence in the radiologist. I am hopeful of a correct diagnosis.
I am expecting a result of more arthritis than previous recognized as being in my body. The other extreme this test could bring is a diagnosis of a bone cancer as the source of my pain. I am having a hard time believing it is bone cancer because my blood test result was healthy. I would have expected the white blood cell count to be high if I had bone cancer.