Finished Assisting My Neighbour With Her Mobility Scooter
[ Saturday July 13th 2024 at 10:18 pm ]
I have just finished helping my neighbour with her initial mobility scooter setup. What I did for her today is figure out how a trailer hitch could be added onto her mobility scooter. This will help her when shopping or carrying things like food and drink for her children to have outings. I am feeling physically tired. However I have found this very rewarding. I have designed a clamp that is secured to square steel tubing member of her mobility scooter. This doesn't modify the frame of her mobility scooter as such. I am really excited for her. The mobility scooter represents a better quality of life, not to be stuck at home and to have more independence. Near the end of this year she will begin the process of having her hips nd knees replaced. The mobility scooter represents her ability to leave her home and live life.
I can't spend gobs of time helping others. I don't want to stop living my own life. I feel this has been time well spent. I had been suggesting the purchase of a mobility scooter for a few years now. With her taking the step to do this I wanted to support her getting started. I am expecting the next 3 or so days to be used recovering from the help I gave to her yesterday and today. There has been a side effect. I have a good picture in my mind of what I am able to turn in terms of cleaning and tidying my own home but not triggering my physical disability. I am trying to live my best life. There are times when I feel very frustrated. What I have learned between yesterday and today will help me when I do the same step to my own mobility scooter later this year. I am glad to have an opportunity to understand what I am getting myself into. It has also been very rewarding using my hands and seeing what I create being used.