Completed A Letter To Canada Revenue Agency
[ Friday June 23rd 2017 at 1:20 am ]
At the start of 2017 my Disability Tax Certificate (a recogignition of being markedly restricted in my mobility by the Federal branch of the Canadian Government) was renewed for 2 years. During the past 6 months I've experienced numerous setbacks and been discharged from a physiotherapy clinic due to not making progress. I am at the point where I need to take care of the rest of my life which has been on hold for the past 28 months.
I had placed physiotherapy and making a recovery as my top priority at the time of having a surgery. It is obvious to me this is no longer possible through exercise alone. More importantly I need to shift my focus from making a recovery to getting my day to day life and finances under control. I don't see how it is possible for me to make a recovery within the 2 year designated time frame.
I am asking Canada Revenue Agency to give consideration to making my Disability Tax Certificate permanent with a commitment that I will advise them if and when I make a recovery. I would far rather be supporting myself through my videos and this web site than the available social assistance programs for the disabled. I am hoping I'll experience growth over the next few years. I'd like to be able to take what I've learned and invest my life in others who are in their own marathon of a journey.