My Artificial Left Hip Ground Again
[ Friday December 29th 2023 at 12:49 pm ]
My artificial left hip joint has made the same grinding noise as what happened once on December 22nd and three times on December 23rd. I am feeling really weak from the pain this has created. The muscles around my left hip joint are so tight again. I was waiting until the holidays passed in order to reach out to the surgeon who replaced my hips. With this happening again I have searched for and found the direct e-mail address for my surgeon. I am going to write him a letter and ask for further discussion. Once again this doesn't match what the surgeon and I talked about in spring 2023. The spring 2023 explanation was that that the instances happened when I first stood up. Also I had been sweating and it was reasonable to expect a slightly delayed response for my body's lubrication to the artificial hip. This time I was at the kitchen sink cleaning up from the turkey I had unthawed and just put on to roast. I've emptied my bladder. My urine is as close to being clear as is realistically possible. I grasp and understand what the local hospital emergency department told me. With the integrity of hip being checked and confirmed on December 24th I don't feel the need to go back to the hospital to repeat this. That was five days ago. It is the surgeon that I really need to be talking to about concerning this. For right now I've lined up my friend Joe to stop at my home on his way home from work. I won't be able to bend in order to remove the turkey from the oven. I'm feeling really weak and need to lay down.