Had My Routine Dental Cleaning
[ Wednesday December 20th 2023 at 2:15 pm ]
I just finished my dental cleaning. It has gone well. I don't have any new cavities. The person who did my cleaning told me where I need to focus on: There was a build up of tartar and plaque where my teeth meet my gums. I am trying my best. I appreciate the feedback. The woman who cleans my teeth is pleasant to talk to during the cleaning.
I often have to physically rest after a dental appointment. The dentist chair doesn't provide the same support for my legs as my bed does. I bring a pillow with me to help compensate. This does make a difference. All the staff at the dentist office are really understanding. I try my best. To take care of my teeth the trade off of needing a bit of extra rest is worth it.
I've also had a lovely time casually chatting to the para-transit vehicle driver. We were talking about the homeless population problem that has been building in the city where I live since 2017. Overall this has been a great outing. I am always glad when I am able to get out of my home.