Appointment With My Family Doctor
[ Monday October 31st 2016 at 8:06 pm ]
I am home from my family doctor. The appointment went well. I was with my family doctor for about 40 minutes.
My family doctor is putting me in supervised physiotherapy. This will involve an initial in depth assessment. Starting at the second appointment I should be taught specific exercises to do at home. Then I'll follow up with the physiotherapist at the clinic. The physiotherapy clinic is approximately 1.5 km / 1 mile from my home. I am able to drive myself there and back using my power wheelchair.
I have permission to increase the pain medication as needed. I didn't need a new prescription this evening. I have pills left over from when I was discharged from the hospital following my second hip replacement surgery.
The use of a physiotherapist is the same strategy we used between November 2006 and February 2007 concerning my left hip joint. By the time February 2007 came along I was declared 'untreatable'. This moved me to the next sequence of events. I feel I am back on track for my mobility to be restored either in the near future or I will get the help I need if a stint in physiotherapy proves to be unsuccessful.
The plan is for me to follow up with my family doctor at the end of November 2016. My family doctor wants me to have completed two physiotherapy appointments by this time.
I really didn't go through the five hip surgeries between 2007 and 2015 to still be needing the use of a power wheelchair. I really want to get this resolved one way or the other. Please pray remember to pray for this process.